Anti-cyberoffense VR Superpower

VR Game Demo on Oculus Quest2, 2022

METAHERO CERTIFICATION TEST (元宇宙超级英雄资格考试,简称MCT) 是一个思辨性游戏,旨在描绘2040年一个具有去中心化暴力执法属性的社交元宇宙的可能性。在MCT中,用户将被引导学会通过特定手势触发七种超能力来获得成为“守望互助者(Vigilantist)”的资格,这七种超能力既有友好和被动的如画笔和屏障等,也有具有伦理攻击性的如人肉搜索和数据破坏等,除此之外用户还将被严肃告知每个能力合理的使用场合及可能带来的负面效果。这个项目以一种技术上可行但具有冲突性的手法揭示了应对现今元宇宙中的虚拟性骚扰/在线霸凌/歧视性言论和攻击等危害社区公共秩序的行为的一种可能性,同时提醒我们随着多感官的接入,虚拟伤害行为也可以被“翻译”为真实伤害(例如通过VR头显中刻意的眩光诱发癫痫)

As we have extended ability in virtual worlds, what if we empower users with superpower so everyone can be superhero to fight back to cyber crime & offense with “Decentralized Violence”?

WHAT: MCT (“METAHERO CERTIFICATION TEST”) is an onboarding process to help ready-to-be superheroes to master a set of virtual interpersonal superpowers triggered by hand gestures.

WHEN&WHERE: In a social Metaverse, 2040

  1. Speculation instead of pragmatic troubleshooting
  2. To question the status quo where committing cyber-offence costs almost nothing and to unfold an alternative future narrative where users hold the right to implement radical penalties to moderate trolls/cyber-offence, harassment and other toxic behaviours, which is technically possible but ethically less plausible and preferable.
  3. To unveil how virtual damage can be insidiously translated into physical damage via a simple VR headset. e.g. Dazzle brought by flashing light, GPU overload by spawning grass and dizziness brought by deliberate locomotion glitching etc.


https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TX4y1z7Me/ (跳转观看高清版)

基于本项目延申的“Anti-997超能打工人” 参与长沙IFS驾场艺术季特别展览-精力有限公司


https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mK411y7qK/ (跳转观看高清版)


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